TikTok trends in 2020

How To Follow The Latest TikTok Trends In 2020

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that TikTok is now the fastest-growing social media platform out there. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic hasn’t dulled TikTok’s appeal at all; if anything, it’s amplified the time users are spending on the app. There’s no doubt that brands, influencers, and users are flocking to TikTok in their hundreds of thousands, so if you’re concerned about FOMO, you need to be setting up a TikTok profile yesterday.

If you’ve already got yourself on TikTok and you’re wondering how to make sense of it all, don’t worry – you’re not alone. TikTok can seem quite intimidating at first, but once you start navigating its menus, you’ll realise it’s not that tricky. One of the most important things you can do on TikTok is to follow trending topics and hashtags, so as you’re familiarising yourself with the app, you need to prioritise this aspect posthaste. Here’s how to follow the latest TikTok trends in 2020.

Don’t get stuck on “For You”

TikTok Trends
Keep up to date with TikTok Trends

TikTok’s algorithm is pretty mighty. It’ll recommend content it thinks you’ll like, and nine times out of ten it does a fairly good job at doing so. If you simply stick to what you’re being recommended, however, you won’t be able to keep up with TikTok trends. Instead, you’ll always be shown things the algorithm thinks you’ll like, but you won’t know what’s actually popular. Make sure not to get glued to “For You”, because that way lies an echo chamber of content without its finger on the pulse of TikTok trends.

…but do use “For You” sometimes

TikTok can feel quite daunting, especially if you’re a new user. For You can be a good place to anchor yourself, and TikTok’s algorithm does make sure that you’ll get trending and viral content quite often when you check your For You page. TikTok doesn’t have a homepage to speak of, but For You is as close as you’re going to get. If you want to stay abreast of TikTok trends, don’t be a slave to For You, but do make sure that you check it from time to time.

Keep your eye on hashtags

Popular hashtags on TikTok
Just a few popular Hashtags

Hashtags make the world of TikTok go round. They’re how users publicise and tag their content to make sure it reaches the audiences they want it to reach. If you want to know what’s trending on TikTok, the hashtags most commonly added to content should be the first place you look. The more a hashtag is appearing on user-generated content, the more likely it is that the hashtag is representing a trending topic. It’s largely the same principle that other social networks follow, and yes – it really can be that simple.

Watch out for challenges

TikTok Challenges
Challenges on TikTok can be fun!

One of the cornerstones of influential TikTok content is the challenge. TikTok users are constantly uploading new challenges and starting new trends, so to find the most commonly trending content and topics on TikTok, you should make challenges part of your search. The most popular challenges regularly involve users lip-syncing to music, trying dance routines, or filming themselves doing ridiculous things. If you want a ticket for TikTok success, filming yourself doing a challenge like this is a great start.

Check other social networks

TikTok integrates very well with other social networks because it occupies a niche those networks don’t necessarily prioritise. While users are flocking en masse to TikTok right now, that doesn’t mean other networks don’t still have very healthy audiences, and TikTok content often gets shared to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What’s trending on TikTok will also inevitably end up trending on those platforms, so keep your eye on all your social media platforms to discover exactly what’s trending at any given time.

Follow influencers

Follow influencers
Follow influences and learn from their ways!

There’s a reason Instagram influencers are called “influencers”: it’s because they influence. Where better to find trending content than by those who are starting the trends? Often, TikTok trends begin as influencer posts or vlogs, so keep an eye on the most popular TikTok influencers in order to find trending content. If you’re aiming to become an influencer yourself, this is also an effective technique for shoring up followers; networking means audiences can cross-pollinate.

Be open-minded

Open Minded
You must be open minded on TikTok

Just because a challenge or meme is popular one minute, that doesn’t mean the next big TikTok trend is going to look anything like that challenge or meme. If you want to keep an eye on TikTok trends, you need to be open-minded. A trend or viral hit can come from anywhere, so don’t neglect otherwise unremarkable TikTok accounts; they could be the next source of a major TikTok success story. Keep your mind open and you’ll spot trends quicker!