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How to Keep safe on TikTok – Ways to secure your account!

TikTok seems to have been in the news almost constantly recently, and it hasn’t always been for the better. Thanks to ByteDance’s potentially close relationship with the government in Beijing (a relationship some say is erroneously perceived), some nations are raising security concerns and wondering if data stored with TikTok is safe from prying eyes.…

What is TikTok Stitch

TikTok’s New Stitch Feature – What It Is And How To Use It

One of the most important aspects of TikTok is undeniably the creativity involved in users making videos. Some of the most popular and successful TikTok videos have thrived in part because of their creativity; their creators’ unique approach to personality, composition, and editing have made them massive stars rather than simply creating off-the-cuff videos. One…

How has TikTok Changed

How Has TikTok Changed Since It Was Born? 

TikTok is definitely the world’s fastest-growing social media platform right now. From relatively humble beginnings, the app has managed to grow to the point where it’s enjoying around 800 million active users worldwide. While it may be true that the majority of those users are still in China, where the app was originally developed, it’s inarguable that TikTok is starting to reach audiences…